Soundarya as a specialist in ÂEndhiranÂ
- IndiaGlitz, [Monday,September 14 2009]
Preparing for the final leg of the shoot director Shankar said that two songs are left to be canned abroad. ÂThe first science-fiction film in Tamil will deal with the good and bad effects of robots in the backdrop of Indian cultureÂ, said the director. Our superstar also confirmed it saying that more than 80%of the filmÂs shoot is over, during the ÂEeram audio launch.
Sources close to the production house says that Sun TV is planning to release the film by April 2010. The reason behind the delay is the usage of EFX, CG and 3D animation techniques unlike another Tamil movie. They have used nearly two lakhs and fifty thousand frames for these special effects!
As all these works canÂt be finished in Chennai alone, few important scenes have been handed over to a company in Canada. ItÂs heard that this particular firm has handled several Hollywood movies.
The focal information is that our hero SuperstarÂs daughter Soundarya is an important member in the team of EndhiranÂs Digital experts team. The girl is always very much involved in boosting up her dadÂs image Great!